A quick update to what I've reported recently about the petition for reform that 143 Catholic theologians in Germany--a third of the Catholic theologians on university faculties in that country--recently sent to the Vatican.
Alan McCornick, whose wonderful Hepzibah blog site, I mentioned in one of my postings about this petition has pointed out to me that the count of theologians who have now signed this reform petition has now risen to 247--in the space of a week or so. A list of all current signatories, along with pertinent information about the petition and a copy in German, is at the Kirche 2011 site.
And conservative Catholics in the U.S.? Not taking this news so well. Note the comment of one blogger at this America thread who asks what they put in the water in Germany to produce such "wacky ideas" as involving the laity in selection of bishops and parish priests, ordaining married men and women, and welcoming partnered gays and divorced and remarried folks in Catholic communities.
"This is not what we believe, as Catholics, Jack."
Strangely enough, it appears to be what over a third of some of the most highly educated members of the Catholic community of Germany believe--highly educated, theologically astute, and pastorally sensitive. And intently concerned about the future of their church as people walk away from it in droves now.