Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Will Gets 'Em Told: Will Phillips's Acceptance Speech at GLAAD Media Awards

At a time when hope seems well-nigh suffocated by venality and stupidity, a message of hope from an unlikely source—a small-town ten year-old boy.  From Arkansas.

Young Will Phillips’ recent acceptance speech at the GLAAD media awards is going viral in our area, I understand.  It’s a reminder that we do sometimes grow them right, even in what H.L. Mencken the miasmtic jungles of Arkansas.

Will’s message to the president:

A message to President Obama: I know there are certain political restraints that make action difficult.  However, lack of equality for some is lack of equality for all.  And I think it’s time for all of us to get equal.  President Theodore Roosevelt often mentioned the bully pulpit of the presidency.  My voice is small, has gone far, and with help has done much good.  I think the bully pulpit of your office could go farther and with help could do much more.

Out of the mouth of babes.  I’m exceedingly proud of my fellow citizen, Will Phillips.  I hope Mr. Obama was listening.