For those who love Woody Guthrie's music as I do (and I know there are a number of you who often log into this blog): don't miss the collection of ten Guthrie songs Peter Rothberg has put together at the Nation site today, in honor of Guthrie's 100th birthday anniversary tomorrow.
"With countries, just like with people, it's easy to let the best of yourself slip away," Bruce Springsteen says in his introduction to the clip of "This Land Is Your Land" at the head of the posting.
Springsteen said that in 1985. It seems more poignantly true--and prophetic--than ever to me right now.
I wonder what Woody Guthrie would make of the nation and culture we Americans have fashioned for ourselves at this point in history. I wonder what he'd sing about now, if he were among us.
I suspect quite a few of his songs would be doleful.
But I'm also inclined to think not a few would be fiery and defiant and would stir hope.
Of which we stand much in need right now.