Just now catching Joe Ferullo's response to His Eminence Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan's recent observation that we lay Catholics must become fun frontmen (or women) for our betters, their Eminences, as they plot political strategy for the rest of us and tell the rest of us what real Catholicism is all about:
Just to review quickly, then -- a guide for all of us in the pews: smile, wave, look attractive, sell the message, then sit down and quiet down.
Gives you a warm feeling all over, doesn't it?.
Could Dolan (and his confreres) be more stupid? Or more belligerent?
It's somehow the mix of unreflective stolidity with defiant and oh-so-self-assured belligerence, all packaged with that pearly (and very insincere) grin and that big glad-handing fist that drives me around the bend more than anything else.
To think that we could have come to this after Vatican II. And that Catholics with good educations and high profiles in the media want to defend it!
The graphic is from sheisyourjuliet at Deviantart--and I hope I'm not infringing the artist's copyright in duplicating the image. I see it duplicated on other sites, and since that's the case, am assuming it may be duplicated here under fair-use terms. If any reader has information to guide me re: this, please tell me.