Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catholic v. Catholic in Marriage Equality Debates: BBC Interviews Terry Weldon Tomorrow

Terry Weldon

Later the same day: this is a quick addendum to underscore something I mentioned earlier today in my posting "Catholic v. Catholic" about the ongoing marriage equality debates/battles:

In my previous posting, I noted the wonderful resources at Terry Weldon's Queering the Church blog in recent days, re: the intra-Catholic debates/battles in the U.K.  What I want to underscore now is that Terry will be interviewed by the BBC (Midlands) tomorrow morning (i.e., 11 March) at about 8:20 A.M.

As a posting he has placed on his blog about this notes, at the same time that priests in England will be hearing a pastoral letter written by Archbishop Nichols presenting the hierarchical position about marriage equality, Terry will be on BBC presenting the view of some (and certainly many) of the Catholics sitting in the pews hearing that letter read to them.

If I knew how to direct Bilgrimage readers to a site allowing you to access the program, I would do so.  As some of you will know, though, my technomiasmitic brain couldn't crack the code of BBC's software to watch some BBC programs recently, so I don't trust myself to try to direct you.

For those living in the U.K., you'll certainly already know how to tune in online or through older technologies.  For those outside the U.K., I imagine there are readers of this blog with the skill to know how to access the program.

If you do have such information and want to share it in comments below, please feel free to do so.  I'm sorry this recommendation is coming late on Saturday evening (in North America, CST).  I hope the information will be useful to a few readers who will be able to catch Terry's interview.  As I said earlier today, his site is a treasure trove of valuable information right now for those who want to hear the views of many Catholics about marriage equality, which are not captured by the current magisterial stance.