And speaking of character: In the Eurasia Review, Catholic League director Bill Donohue impugns the integrity of journalist David Gibson for reporting that the Obama administration indicates it has repeatedly sought to bring the U.S. Catholic bishops to the discussion table about contraceptive guidelines, only to be rebuffed. Donohue writes,
In a piece for the Religion News Service today, David Gibson quotes an administration official who denies all of this, effectively saying Dolan and Lori are liars. The official says, “The White House has put nearly every issue requested by the bishops on the table for discussion…only to be rebuffed.” Indeed, the operative even accuses “some bishops and staff” of politicizing the issue. [Gibson refuses to name his source. So much for transparency.]
I find it . . . rich . . . that a man who shares an office building with the president of the USCCB, His Eminence Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan, and whom His Eminence lavishly defends as a model Catholic, would seek to depict someone else as an unprincipled shill.
Wikipedia's entry for the term "shill" defines a shill as follows: "A shill, plant or stooge is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he or she has a close relationship with that person or organization." And if that's not the very definition of Bill Donohue in his relationship to Dolan and the USCCB, then I don't know what the word "definition" means.
The graphic is from Duncan C.'s photo stream at Flickr.