Thursday, March 15, 2012

Get Out the Popcorn: USCCB Announces Intent to Continue Theater of Absurd

Get out the popcorn and pull up a chair, folks: looks as if the theatrics will be continuing.

As Fr. James Martin and Grant Gallicho are reporting this morning at America and Commonweal, the USCCB has just announced that it intends to keep the fight against the HHS guidelines going, despite the offer of an accommodation by the Obama administration.  I haven't read the USCCB announcement yet.  I'll try to do so later today (running off to a doctor's appointment in a few minutes), and will see if I have more thoughts to offer about this later.

My initial thought: did anyone in her right mind ever expect the current crop of bishops under the leadership of His Eminence Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan to behave any differently than this?  This is that the man, remember, who is joined at the hip with Bully Bill Donohue, and who gives every appearance of being right at the center of the ugly attack of Catholic leaders on SNAP in Missouri.

This is the man whom the centrist co-belligerents of the bishops have dubbed "a good guy at heart."  If those centrist Catholics had been willing to listen for some time now to survivors of clerical sexual abuse, to gay and lesbian Catholics, to women who don't toe the Catholic party line, etc., they might have a different optic.

And might understand--and have a bit of pastoral concern and sympathy for--all of those who can't run fast enough to get away from the evil, mendacious, highly partisan politicking that makes a mockery of core Catholic values and core Catholic teachings.