Homophobia is still a great problem throughout America, but in the African-American community it is even more threatening. This is an enormous obstacle for ever yone involved in AIDS prevention, treatment and research. … We have to launch a national campaign against homophobia in the black community.
On 20 January 2009, the United States inaugurated its first African-American president, Barack Obama. Immediately following his inauguration, our promising new leader activated a federal website outlining an agenda for important new programs in the area of civil rights, including LGBT rights (www.whitehouse.gov/agenda/civil_rights).
It is now 4 days from the inauguration of President Obama. It is 2787 days (7 years and 232 days) after Coretta Scott King called for a national campaign against homophobia in the black community.
As a member of the gay community who has long supported and worked for the civil rights of my African-American brothers and sisters, I call on the African-American community to respond to the appeal of Dr. King’s widow.
As I have stated in a posting on this topic, “The need is great. And it is growing. Where is the intent to address that need, as Barack Obama becomes president?” (http://bilgrimage.blogspot.com/2009/01/african-americans-prop-8-and-homophobia_16.html).
Who will hear Coretta Scott King’s words and respond to them? Problems within the African-American community should be addressed first and foremost from within the community. The African-American community does not need mentors from outside instructing people of color about how to carry on their business.
When will African-American leaders, in this historic moment in which our nation has an African-American president, take seriously Coretta Scott King’s call for a national campaign against homophobia in the black community?
The need is great. It is now 4 days after the inauguration of President Obama. It is now 2787 days (7 years and 232 days) after Coretta Scott King issued her challenge to the black community.
I continue to commit myself to addressing and eradicating racism in the white community at large, and in the white gay community, as well.
When will African-American leaders respond to Coretta Scott King’s call to address black homophobia in a national campaign?