Common Dreams selects three pictures from 2011 to illustrate what humanity can be, at its best: the one above shows a group of Christians creating a circle of protection around Muslims praying during the Egyptian protests.
There are many sermons to be made from the three eminently sermonic pictures Common Dreams chooses to illustrate its theme. As Francis said, Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.
Each one of these photos proclaims the good news of salvation to me. All three suggest to me that there is no inherent reason built into the human state which requires us to conceive of others as the enemy. There is every reason in the world to reach out, embrace, gather in, and befriend. Because the humanity we share is shared in common with every other human being in the world, all of whose dreams of home are akin to our own dreams of home.
Are you listening, Cardinal George, as you craft your next set of sermons on the meaning of the Christmas message? I hope so.