Monday, November 3, 2014

Aletha Blayse's Essay on Child Abuse, War, and Need for a National Commission of Inquiry: A Footnote (and Recommendation)

Dear Readers,

I'm multi-tasking right now after a day of traveling, and apologize that I didn't take time (I didn't have time would be accurate) this morning to say more to you about the excellent essay of Aletha Blayse that I posted early in the day). Because Aletha ends her essay with some biographical information, I had counted on that information to introduce her to you, and to tell you where she is coming from as she comments on the issue of sexual abuse of minors — and something of her outstanding credentials.

Please note Jerry Slevin's comment appended to Aletha's essay, too. As Jerry notes,

Aletha Blayse is a respected and brave Australian advocate for abused children, and in this timely column, is calling on President Obama, his last elections behind him tomorrow, to heed his own advice now and "step up" for abused children in the USA. 
Aletha Blayse is very persuasively and wisely calling here for a US national commission to investigate child abuse, especially within US nationwide institutions like the Catholic Church and The Salvation Army. As spelled out in this column, she indicates, in effect, that concerned citizens in Australia and other nations now expect Obama (1) to influence, by the United States' powerful example, many of the the world’s other democratic nations, and (2) to follow the bold steps that Australia has already begun taking with its unique and effective nationwide Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

I highly recommend Aletha Blayse's essay to you, if you haven't already read it, and am grateful to Aletha for offering to let me publish it here.