Wednesday, November 13, 2013

In the News: Sarah Palin Does Not Heart Pope Francis, Etc.

Articles/statements that catch my eye as I scan the news this morning:

Sarah Palin does not heart Pope Francis, is "trying to follow what his agenda is."

"People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when reading Richard Cohen."

"Obstructing the right of black humans and white humans to form families is a central feature of American racism."

"The South, and by association the GOP, sees America increasingly through the prism of race."

"The states dominated by Deep South, Greater Appalachia, Tidewater, and the Far West have had a virtual monopoly on capital punishment."

"'Hardwired' for hetero marriage, LDS tension mounts over LGBT rights."

"She claimed that God spoke to her, more than once, in moments of great despair — 'Quit shining silverware for suitors and start shining your soul for Jesus'." — his voice blasting down the chimney like he was on the roof with a bullhorn."

"When it comes to any philosophy that involves 'bearing one another's burdens,' I think it's fair to say that Fox News does not get it."

The graphic is by Adam Zyglis of Cagle Cartoons by way of Truthdig