For National Catholic Reporter, Father Thomas Reese reports that the German Catholic bishops' conference has chosen to table the new Vatican-mandated translation of the liturgy. The U.S. bishops chose by contrast to implement it, despite its cumbersome run-on sentences, its use of the phrase "for many" rather than "for all" during the consecration of bread and wine, its bizarre reversion to fancy-schmanzy pseudo-traditional terms like "chalice" for "cup" or hyperspeak (as opposed to plainspeak) terms like "consubstantial."
I have blessed hope that, I pray, the gracious bishops in this, our blessed nation, will graciously petition to ask, humbly, that the English translation, so wordy and run-on in its sentences, will, with blessed expeditious speed and holy grace, be changed. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
And I suspect a lot of Catholic chalices will runneth over with mirth at reading that dead-on send-up of the doleful new liturgy with which English-speaking Catholics are now stuck, due to the cravenness of their bishops' conferences.