Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Pastor's Take on the "New" Liturgy: Fr. Nobert Dlabal on New Trans as Akin to KGB Document

Father Norbert Dlabal, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Goodland, KS, and Holy Ghost in Sharon Springs, KS, weighs in on the "new" liturgical translations at National Catholic Reporter:

Another, and an even more fundamental, question comes to my mind regarding all of this. Who wrote that dour document, Liturgiam Authenticam? It, too, has all the marks of something schoolboys would have written. A person can pick up and read any of the documents of the Second Vatican Council and find that they inspire buoyancy and optimism. They sing of good news and hope for the future. Liturgiam Authenticam reads like something the KGB might have written for the citizens of the Soviet Union.

Fr. Dlabal is 76 years old and has been a parish priest for 40 years.  The impudent and ill-informed schoolboys running things in the Vatican would be well-advised to listen to the experience of parish priests like this honorable gentleman.