Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Contemporary Example of Catholic Hierarchical Scapegoating: Archbishop Myers and His "Evil" Critics

Archbishop John Myers

For a contemporary example of Catholic hierarchical scapegoating that doesn't seem to get the church very far down the road to credibility as it proclaims the gospel in the public square:

1. Read Grant Gallicho at Commonweal on the problems poor Opus Dei Archbishop Myers of Newark, New Jersey, appears to have with memory--understandable, perhaps, with all his trips to the race track to distract him from remembrance, all the silver and gold gewgaws given him by priests who serve under him to take his attention away from the dreary task of remembering. 

2. Read poor Archbishop Myers's response to his critics, which Brian Roewe discusses yesterday at National Catholic Reporter. A précis: said critics are "evil," and in cahoots with a secular media and politicians out to attack the Catholic church and its truths.

3. Then read the response of the New Jersey Record to poor Archbishop Myers's attempt to engage in a bit of nasty (and entirely unconvincing) scapegoating, as he attacks his critics, the media, politicians--faithful Catholics asking for transparency and accountability from him and other bishops:

The archbishop apparently believes criticism is an act of evil. Not all men of the church have felt that way. The Gospel of Matthew says: "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" 
Myers should start sawing.

The Record is clearly correct. The days in which Catholic prelates could count on wild allegations about the evil of their critics and the anti-Catholicism of the media and politicians to carry the day, when said prelates are asked to account for their indefensible actions, are long since over and done with. That kind of shoddy scapegoating to avoid responsibility for indefensible episcopal actions no longer plays even in Peoria.

Poor Archbishop Myers had best get sawing, just as The Record proposes.

(See also this previous posting about Myers and his handling of priests abusing minors: "'Honey, Hide the Kids': New Evangelization Impeded by Moral Failure of Bishops Like John Myers of Newark.")