Monday, May 13, 2013

Short Blogging Hiatus (and Kudos to Minnesota!)

I apologize for being slow to blog here the past day or so. As I mentioned yesterday, Steve's mother has been visiting us, along with a friend of their family. Tomorrow, they'll be returning home, and even as they board their flight, Steve will have some surgery--and so I'll not be posting tomorrow and perhaps for another day or so, until we get beyond this particular bridge in our lives.

This evening, we've been celebrating the news from Steve's home state: marriage equality there! Minnesota, with its strong and very heartland Catholic presence, now becomes the 12th state in the union to adopt marriage equality--an amazing turnaround after the Republican party was working with the Catholic bishops of the state, the Knights of Columbus, and the heavily Catholic National Organization for Marriage as recently as last year to amend the state's constitution to inscribe discrimination into the constitution.

More in a day or so, with best wishes to all of you.

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