Friday, March 8, 2013

Apologies: I'm Behind in Acknowledging Comments

Dear Readers,

I realize I'm running even behinder than usual in acknowledging your many welcome comments here. My slowness is due to the fact that the final proofs of my forthcoming book arrived several days ago, and I'm immersed in the proofing process.

As you've seen, I'm still trying to blog, but since some things have to give as I focus on footnotes and page numbers, my responses to Disqus comments (or my acknowledgment of those directed to other contributors, when I hit the "like" button in a thread) have gotten sidetracked. 

I hope to catch up, once I've completed my final proofreading of my book, which is scheduled to appear in print next month or, barring that, in May. For any reader who may not have seen my initial announcement of my book, whose title is Fiat Flux: The Writings of Wilson R. Bachelor, Nineteenth-Century Country Doctor and Philosopher, and which is being published by University of Arkansas Press, here's a catalogue entry for the forthcoming book.