Katie McDonough at Salon is reporting that the Vatican has now erased Benedict's entire Twitter feed:
Those visiting with @Pontifex (Latin for “bridge builder) on Thursday were greeted by an empty page. The pope emeritus’ picture has been replaced with the Vatican seal and the account name has been changed to “Sede Vacante.” (Latin for “the seat being vacant.” These Vatican types really love their dead languages!)
But in case you've learned to crave your daily fix of papal tweet-wisdom, not to fear: according to McDonough, Monsignor Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, has told Forbes that the account is simply inactive until the next pope is chosen, and has not been shut down.
And there's apparently an archive of BXVI's tweets where you can dig for gems like, "Today I have a special thought for every religious: may they always follow Christ faithfully in poverty, chastity and obedience."
And who was it who thought the rulers of the Catholic church would never enter modernity?