Friday, November 9, 2012

Dogs Who Committed Voter Fraud on Tuesday

And to offset my political-religious blathering with a bit of levity: Jason Gilbert's shocking rogues' gallery of dogs convicted of voter fraud on Tuesday.   In case you missed this on election day itself . . . .  I find the sassy minx who's #7 in the line-up especially reprehensible, as she attempts to commit double fraud.  

And Ryan Reilly reports at Talking Points Memo this morning that two people actually were arrested for trying to commit voter fraud Tuesday.  One case occurred in Arizona Nevada, the other in New Mexico.

Both involved Republicans seeking to prove that people do get away with voter fraud.  In both cases, however, the attempted fraud landed the two folks in jail--proving precisely the opposite of what they set out to prove: namely, that when people do, in fact, try to commit voter fraud, triggers in the system detect them.

And they land up in jail.