Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tom Doyle on What Bishop Finn's Failed Pastoral Leadership Cost Kansas City Diocese, in Dollars and Cents

Father Tom Doyle, OP, at National Catholic Reporter, on what Bishop Robert Finn's failed pastoral leadership cost the Kansas City diocese in dollars and cents: 

The legal costs to the diocese are in neighborhood of $24 million. Included in this amount is a fine of $1.1 million imposed by the court because the bishop failed to honor some of the terms of one of the settlements. He, and consequently the diocese, agreed to do certain things that they intentionally failed to do. The people of the diocese paid for it.

To underscore an implied point here: this is what Bishop Finn's failure as a pastoral leader cost his diocese in dollars and cents. The price they've paid in many other ways is less easy to quantify, but nonetheless horrific. And this is the story of just one bishop and just one diocese in the U.S.

There are other such stories to be told, if they ever ever have a hearing.

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