Tuesday, November 1, 2022

When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemon Curd

We have a little potted Meyer lemon tree that we put into the garden room below our sun room during wintertime, to keep it from freezing. We then shlep it out into the back garden as the prospect of frost ends, and it rewards us in spring with fragrant blooms, and, at least sometimes, later in the year with lemons.

This year, the little tree gave us five beautiful lemons. We picked them on 11 October and have had them inside to ripen a bit more since then.

Today, I made jars of lemon curd from the lemons. The peels will now become candied peel. The fragrance of the lemons is filling the whole house, fragrance released as I grated the peel of several of the lemons to go into the curd and as I juiced the lemons.

Some friends from New Orleans are visiting us the next few days, and we've planned to make a pre-Thanksgiving dinner for them tomorrow evening, when they'll arrive. I'm thinking I'll make lemon curd sandwiches with some Walker's shortbread for dessert, and hoping that will appeal to them. They're Filipino and definitely like lemony things — as I do, too.