It would be wonderful if the Catholic clericalist understanding of ministry included the notion of mutuality. 1)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
Mutuality, as in, "I am ministered to by those to whom I minister." 2)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
The clericalist model envisages ministry always as a one-way street, top-down transaction, priest to needy layperson. 3)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
The notion of mutuality in ministry is vitally important in the encounter between Catholic pastors and LGBTQ people. 4)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
That encounter is one in which Catholic pastors may be ministered to — and desperately need ministry from — LGBTQ folks. 5)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
To help them reshape how they imagine the world, how they see the church, how they understand Christ and the gospels. 6)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017
This model of ministry demands that clerics put aside clericalism and encounter LGBTQ people as human beings, on equal footing with them. 7)— Bill Lindsey (@wdlindsy) July 1, 2017