Rowan Co. Clerk Kim Davis still refusing to issue marriage licenses in wake of Supreme Court decision.
— Lawrence Smith (@LASmithReports) September 1, 2015
It's happening in Rowan County, Kentucky, as I type this posting this morning:
#KimDavis: I'm not issuing marriage licenses under God's authority
— The Trail Blazer (@MSUTrailBlazer) September 1, 2015
#KimDavis to same-sex couple: Step away from the counter. I've asked you to leave.
— The Trail Blazer (@MSUTrailBlazer) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis just denied another marriage license. It's on.
— Unapologetic Liberal (@Libs4America) September 1, 2015
Second couple turned down for marriage license in Rowan Co by Clerk Kim Davis. ^JC
— Bluegrass Politics (@BGPolitics) September 1, 2015
Couple denied marriage license in Rowan County. They're demanding to speak to Kim Davis @LEX18News
— JENN MCGRAW LEX (@NewsMcGraw) September 1, 2015
BREAKING: April Miller and Karen Roberts were just DENIED a marriage license by Rowan County Clerk #KimDavis Tuesday morning
— Andrew Adkins (@AndrewG_22) September 1, 2015
Stay tuned to this breaking story, folks. Rowan County Kentucky county clerk continues, evidently under the advice of her legal advisors at the anti-gay hate group Liberty Counsel, to defy the U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts, her state's governor, the U.S. Constitution, and to assert that her religious liberty gives her the freedom to deny Constitutionally-guaranteed rights to fellow citizens.
Because her God.