Monday, September 13, 2010

Celebrating the Gay and Lesbian Heroes of 9/11

Who knew that the LGBT community supplied so many heroes during the 9/11 events in 2001?

I didn't, for one--not until I saw a link to this wonderful memorial page at After Elton today.

I'm not entirely sure who maintains the "September 11, 2001: Gay Victims & Heroes" page.  If anyone reading this posting has that information, I'll gladly post it.  The site owner has obviously done her or his homework and deserves credit.

Meanwhile, interesting, isn't it, that the story of 9/11's gay heroes remains a largely untold story, as the mainstream media ignore the gay Franciscan roots of Fr. Mychal Judge's spirituality of unstinting compassion for all?  And as they also overlook the gay thread, Mark Bingham's story, in the narrative regarding the courageous takeover of United flight 93, which prevented that plane from hitting its anticipated target.

Thank God for the internet, which allows voices that the mainstream media continue to stifle to have their say.  And as I say this, I'm reminded to recommend again of a wonderful blog linked to Bilgrimage, the Saint Mychal Judge blog, which is full of valuable resources commemorating the life and witness of Mychal Judge.

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