Monday, October 30, 2017

As Manafort Goes Up in Flames, Major White Evangelical Leaders Tweet About . . . Something Else, Anything but Manafort

As the man who managed the campaign of the moral monstrosity placed in the White House by eight in ten white evangelicals and some six in ten white Catholics and Mormons goes up in flames on #MuellerMonday — the man I'm talking about is Paul Manafort, of course — it's fascinating to see what the leading white evangelical epigones of that moral monstrosity in the White House are tweeting about this morning.

The tweet above is what Reverend Robert Jeffress tweeted* just after news broke about Manafort's and Gates' indictments.

Just little over a week ago, the moral monstrosity in the White House tweeted out a fervent endorsement of a new book by Reverend Robert Jeffress: 

And a few minutes after Reverend Robert Jeffress issued the tweet above, right after news broke about the indictments of Manafort and Gates, another leading white evangelical cheerleader for the moral monstrosity in the White House, Jerry Falwell, Jr.,  tweeted the following: 

To which a number of folks tweeted back some very interesting responses:

In response to these criticisms, Jerry Falwell, Jr., then immediately retweeted right in a row two diversionary, lie-generating statements by the moral monstrosity in the White House:

Talk about a total abdication of moral leadership on the part of two very influential leaders of the white evangelical community in the U.S.


*To be precise: Jeffress re-tweeted James Dobson's tweet just after the news about Manafort broke this morning.

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