Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sharing Our Life as Theology: Another Videotaped Theological Conversation with Ivone Gebara, About Diarmaid MaCulloch's Silence, Christian Amnesia, and Gospel Mandate for Inclusivity

I've previously shared with you two videotaped conversations that I had the honor of having in the past year with the distinguished Brazilian theologian Ivone Gebara (here and here). As I noted when I shared these videos, Mark Shumway and Rachel Fitzgerald Shumway, who maintain the evolving deep forms blog, organized and videotaped these conversations (with expert technical assistance from Mark's son Chris Shumway and Rachel and Ivone's friend Marlene Denardo, who speaks Portuguese and helped facilitate the conversation when Ivone and I needed her wonderful linguistic skills).

And now I'm sharing another of these videos with you, one entitled "Sharing Our Life as Theology 3," which Mark and Rachel have just uploaded to YouTube. As their summary of the video's topic states, what Ivone and I discussed is as follows:

A third conversation between theologians Ivone Gebara (Brazil) and William Lindsey (USA) follows upon their reading of Diarmaid MacCulloch's Silence— A Christian History. They reflect upon the Church’s amnesia and the Gospel mandate for inclusivity.

I hope the video will be of interest to those of you who choose to watch it. As I note from the outset of my remarks, on the day Ivone and I spoke, I had just attended the conference on "Embracing and Affirming LGBTQ Diversity Within the Black Church" at New Millennium Baptist church in Little Rock, on which I reported here

To repeat myself, it is an honor (and something of an embarrassment for me) to have the opportunity to have a theological conversation with a theologian of the stature of Ivone Gebara. And I am very grateful to Rachel, Mark, Chris, and Marlene for making this conversation possible.

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