Friday, May 11, 2012

Donohue Spells It Out: We Catholics Stand for Discrimination!

Not that we needed this spelled out, but, on the other hand, isn't it nice that Dr. Donohue has now spelled out for us, in black and white, the intent of himself and the Catholic bishops for whom he shills to keep active discrimination against gays and lesbians alive in the U.S.?  Dr. Donohue told Piers Morgan and Chad Griffin yesterday, 

I want the law to discriminate against all alternative lifestyles, against gays and unions. I want to promote and to put in a privileged position that institution of marriage between a man and a woman, which has been shown over and over to be the gold standard.

And as Zack Ford helpfully (and rightly) adds, as he comments on the preceding quotation at Think Progress today, 

With his brutally honest admission that he wants to discriminate, Donohue serves as a unique surrogate for the leadership of the Catholic Church. Though his organization “does not speak authoritatively for the Church,” he seems to say what the bishops are thinking. An open will to discriminate has little do with protecting Catholics from defamation — the actual mission of the Catholic League — just as same-sex couples marrying poses no threat to the religious liberty of practicing Catholics, who largely support marriage equality.

Discrimination against minorities already suffering oppression: as Catholic as the rosary, it now seems.  As characteristically Catholic as telling a chaplet of beads.

And as divorced from anything Jesus taught, exemplified, or stood for as night is from day.

I think the next time I read one of Michael Sean Winters's mendacious little tributes to the U.S. Catholic bishops informing us that "week-in and week-out, year-in and year-out, the USCCB has been fighting for programs that assist the poor and vulnerable, serving as the voice of the voiceless," I'll send him a clipping of this column by Zack Ford.

I think we all should bombard Winters and other shills for the USCCB with this column until they stop lying about who the bishops are and what they're actually doing to some of the vulnerable in American society today.

You don't isolate one group of human beings, attack and savage them, while proclaiming that you stand on the side of human rights and defending the weak: not if you want to be credible when you make any proclamation at all about human rights and the obligation to defend the oppressed.

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