Saturday, May 8, 2010

More Congratulations: Michael Bayly's Progressive Catholic Voice Also Makes Top Catholic Blog List

Yesterday, when I congratulated Colleen Kochivar-Baker whose Enlightened Catholicism blog just made the top 50 Catholic blog list at Online Christian Colleges, I didn't realize that another blog I very much admire (and recommend here) also made the same list.

This is Michael Bayly's Progressive Catholic Voice blog.  As with Colleen's blog, you'll find a link to Michael's in the blog list on the right side of the Bilgrimage page.

It's heartening to see solid, thoughtful progressive Catholic voices like Colleen's and Michael's represented in this list of top Catholic blogs.  I'm also grateful for this recognition of both Colleen and Michael, because both are part of the new Open Tabernacle blogging team which Bilgrimage supports.

A note of hearty congratulations to Michael for his inclusion in this list of highly recommended Catholic blogs.  Progressive Catholic Voice is actually the #2 ranking blog in the list.  And a note of appreciation to blogger Terry Weldon, who also maintains an outstanding blog--Queering the Church--affiliated with Open Tabernacle, for bringing this listing of top Catholic blogs to my attention.