Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Media Vita in Morte Sumus: Pandemic Wave Is Now Cresting in the US, with Dire Results Predicted by Experts for Weeks Now

My apologies for being slow to post. I am dealing with the shock of learning from my brother that his partner was hospitalized this weekend for pneumonia, and is on a respirator with sedation.

Today, they got the results of diagnostic tests, and his partner has COVID-19.

My brother had a lung transplant last year as idiopathic cystic fibrosis made it increasingly impossible for him to live and he had only a few weeks left to live. Since then, he has done very well with the new lung, though the donor had hepatitis and my brother has to take medication daily now for that reason.

He has only one partially functioning lung, this is to say, following his transplant. And now this diagnosis. His lung-transplant team has told him it's imperative he be tested immediately. I've asked my brother what might be done if they find he, too, is positive. He thinks perhaps anti-viral medication….

My brother lives in Brooklyn, New York. He tells me the hospital in which his partner is being treated is already overwhelmed by the number of people coming to the emergency room, very seriously sick, in the past two days.

Nine Emory University doctors at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta have tested positive for COVID-19, we learned this morning. 200 nurses in Connecticut have been furloughed for possible exposure to the virus and lack of tests to determine if they are positive or not.

The wave that medical experts warned us to prepare for, which they warned us would soon be cresting in the US, is on us now, and we are woefully unprepared. As the wave crests, there's this:

And this:

And this:

And in Poland, this:

If any of us survive this global pandemic, there really needs to be a reckoning for all those who, in the name of promoting a "pro-life" worldview, have been promoting death-dealing belief systems and practices for a long time now, and elevating to major political positions people who prove to be the very face of death as the waves begin crashing on shore after shore.

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