Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Andrew Sullivan's Live Blog of Florida Primary: Romney Plays USCCB Card about "Religious Freedom"

Dialogue from Andrew Sullivan's live blog of last night's Florida Republican primary: 

9.09 pm. A reader writes: 
Romney said that Obama trampled on religious freedom. As Governor of MA, Romney DID THE EXACT SAME THING re: the morning after pill. No conscience exemption and he required Catholic hospitals to provide it. Why doesn't anyone ever call him on this? 
More to the point: what does it say about his character that he can so easily assail someone viciously for doing something he has done in the past. There's something chilling about his utter disregard for truth. He's famous for saying that corporations are people. But what he suggests to me is living proof that a person can be as soulless as a corporation.

Which proves my point that the Catholic intellectual and media elite who are assisting the U.S. Catholic bishops in beating the war drum about "religious freedom" and the "conscience exemption" they expect Catholics to enjoy to permit discrimination, no questions asked, are essentially playing Republican politics.  And working to put a "pro-life" Republican into the White House.

And God have mercy on the entire world if that happens.  The anti-life consequences will affect more than merely Americans, but people throughout the world.

(And A. Sullivan has Romney exactly right: empty, emptier, emptiest.)

As the map at the head of the posting indicates, Gingrich's base last evening lay in the heavily non-Catholic and strongly evangelical belt across north Florida.

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