Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Rapture Conundrum and American Politics: Michelle or Barack?

We'll still have Mr. Obama with us.  But Ms. Palin will be with the Lord and all his angels.

The good old American voting public: gotta love 'em/us.  And their/our strong educational backgrounds.  And keen sense of religious truth, and where the line between truth and fiction lies in religious matters.

This poll is why I find it very thinkable that Ms. Bachmann might be our next president.  The powers that be have actively fostered imbecility in the American voting public for some years now, to lead us to precisely this end.  How better to control a docile, confused, uneducated populace than through a blithering idiot in the seat of power, who functions as a puppet for the rich men pulling his or her strings behind the scenes?

The really important question for us today, as a nation: do we have any viable candidates, Democratic or Republican, who aren't such puppets for the very rich?  As Michael Winship reports at Salon today, 29 corporations have more cash on hand than the entire U.S. Treasury, but they refuse to spend it to help the nation.  And then there's this:

In June, a report from Northeastern University's Center for Labor Market Studies found that since the economic recovery began two years ago, "corporate profits captured 88 percent of the growth in real national income while aggregate wages and salaries accounted for only slightly more than one percent." It goes on to declare, "The absence of any positive share of national income growth due to wages and salaries received by American workers during the current economic recovery is historically unprecedented. The lack of any net job growth in the current recovery combined with stagnant real hourly and weekly wages is responsible for this unique, devastating outcome."

The report concludes that in this jobless, wageless recovery, "The only major beneficiaries of the recovery have been corporate profits and the stock market and its shareholders."

Given a choice between solving this seemingly irresolvable puzzle of tackling corporate greed and its total control of our political process (the irresolvable puzzle neither the Republicans nor the Democrats want to solve), I can understand--sort of--why so many of us turn to simpler conundrums like whether Mr. Obama or Mr. Palin will be raptured.

What we ought to be trying to engineer: the rapturing of that 2% who control the vast majority of our nation's wealth, and are determined not to share the wealth.  That would surely be a win-win: they'd be with the Lord whom they love so well.  And their riches would be left behind as mere dross that can't be taken through the pearly gates for the nation as a whole to do something with until the end comes.

Well, for us hidebound sinners who would be left behind to do something constructive with for a few years, I should say . . . .

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