Saturday, November 20, 2010

Michael Jones on Timothy Dolan's Election: Goodbye to Social Justice, Hello to More Demonizing of Gays

I just wrote, 

Meanwhile, I don't look for a break anytime soon, under Timothy Dolan, in the intent, obsessive focus on abortion and same-sex marriage, and the shocking amnesia about core principles of Catholic socio-economic teaching, even as our democracy totters on the brink of collapse due to the selfishness of those who own and control the vast majority of our resources.

And here's Michael A. Jones's take on the election of Dolan-Kurtz, and what it portends for the Catholic church in the U.S., when the bishops elected a president and vice-president known for leading culture-war battles against their gay brothers and sisters, but not for promoting the core principles of Catholic social teaching:

In other words, it looks like the bishops said goodbye to social justice, and hello to more demonizing of gay folks. And that has both Catholics for Equality and the Human Rights Campaign expressing dismay.

As Jones notes, while the bishops held seminars and presentations about the "intrinsic evil" of gay marriage at their annual meeting, nary a peep about bullying and suicide of gay teens.  Jones points out that this caused one group of American nuns, the National Council of American Nuns, to issue a "blistering statement" calling the bishops "blinded Pharisees."

It will be interesting to see how those American Catholic journals of the center, which have tried to develop an image of softer, gentler concern for their gay brothers and sisters, but which are crowing about the Dolan election, will handle his undeniable record vis-a-vis gay human beings.  Perhaps it might be better for those journals simply to admit that they aren't and never have been very much concerned at all about their bothersome brothers and sisters who happen to be gay.

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